Japan Environmental Facilities Manufacturers Association (JEFMA) was established in 1962 as an association
consisting of leading manufacturers who undertake design, manufacture and construction of environmental facilities
including waste treatment plants and pollution control equipment, with the objectives of (1) improving the level of
technology of its members through mutual exchange of research information, (2) supplying local municipalities with
environmental facilities having improved quality and reliability, and (3) conservation of the living environment.
2. Since its establishment, JEFMA has been actively at work for more than 40 years. During this period, Japan has
achieved high economic growth with quantitative and qualitative changes in the lives of people as well as in its
industrial structure through the development of science and technology. As a detriment, however, people have been
adversely affected by the increase of waste on a vast scale, as well as encountering more difficulty in securing
facilities for the treatment and disposal of waste.
3. Under the circumstances, the Government has reached the conclusion that pursuit of achieving proper
management of waste and conversion of the socioeconomic structure from mass production, mass consumption
and mass disposal to a resources recycling type society is absolutely mandatory.
The Government is putting new policies on waste management into practice as manifest in the repeal and
enactment of respective laws in order of priority to (1) reduce, (2) reuse, (3) recycle, including heat and energy
recovery (known as the “3R”), and (4) provide for adequate treatment and disposal of waste.
4. Members of JEFMA have received and are constructing about 90 per cent of orders and are enjoying excellent
evaluation for high reliability and quality.
Each of the Members has established a solid position as the top manufacturer in its field of environmental facilities.
5. JEFMA is conducting investigation and research into waste treatment technology and resources recycling
technology with a view for the future.
JEFMA is encouraging construction of facilities with an emphasis on proper waste treatment and creation of the
comfortable living environment for the local community. Thus, JEFMA emphasizes the promotion of activities for
healthy and affluent lives, not only in our own society, but also in the entire world.
6. The members of JEFMA enjoy an excellent reputation for the quality and reliability of their respective waste
treatment facilities, and are committed to further efforts to render improved services.
The all members of JEFMA are looking forward to serving you and thanking you for your special attention.

Copyright(c) 2001 JEFMA. All rights reserved.